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Diversity & Inclusion

3 Overlooked Areas For Engaging Employees Across Generations


3 Overlooked Areas For Engaging Employees Across Generations

One of the most consistent observations I have witnessed in my consulting work is the difficulty of engaging employees across generations. Tackling this challenge is critical for increasing competitiveness and growth, and particularly for increasing cross-generational camaraderie and synergy in the legal and judicial field. Today I will walk through three key areas that, if overlooked, will result in missed opportunities for engaging and supporting multi-generational legal workforces:

1. Succession Planning

Did you know that approximately 10,000 individuals of the Baby Boomer generation (born 1946-1964) retire every day? What a striking statistic! We are thus in the midst of a massive transition as Baby Boomers pass the torch on to Gen X (born 1965-1979) and Millennial (born 1980-1995) leaders, and if an organization isn’t prepared for that transference of leadership, then they will lose out on valuable knowledge acquired by the Baby Boomer generation. One survey even found “that only 57% of the aging workforce has transferred less than half of their knowledge to the incoming one, with 21% yet to do so”—so what can we do to address this looming issue?

Fortunately, a simple solution presents itself: to nip this concern in the bud, an organization must clearly document the responsibilities associated with every position as well as develop and implement a detailed succession plan in order to ensure this transition goes smoothly. The reality is that “only 26 percent of legal departments have a succession plan in place,” making this gap a crucial first step to address. Additionally, teams should consider offering upskilling and knowledge transfer programs that focus on mentorship and job-shadowing not just as employees reach retirement but throughout their career. Flexible work environments can also be beneficial, allowing employees of the Baby Boomer generations to transition to part-time and/or hourly work before fully retiring and thus helping ensure all of their knowledge is preserved for future generations of leadership.

2. Adapt & Retain

Millennials are the largest percentage of the U.S. workforce as of 2024, and that dominance is only expected to increase in years to come, as they are projected to compose almost 45% of the workforce by 2030. Some estimates place that percentage as high as 75%, but I think they’re lumping in Gen Z (born 1996-2012)—the newest generation to enter the workforce—who are estimated to make up 30% of the U.S. workforce by 2030. More on Gen Z soon!

With this shift in workforce percentages is a shift in workplace culture, and many Millennials do not thrive in environments identical to what worked best for Baby Boomers and Gen X. So, what steps can organizations take to ensure they’re retaining Millennial workers in the face of Baby Boomer retirement?

One key area of focus is technology—Millennials not only witnessed but came to adulthood in the technical transition of the 21st century, and as such “[l]egal department leaders should take advantage of millennials’ tech-savviness as emerging technologies continue to change the practice of law.” In other words, allow Millennials to weigh in workflow software (e.g. to automate manual processes), engage them in conversations about AI and the law, and so on and so forth—encourage their lifetime of expertise!

Other strategies to implement in order to retain Millennial workers are allowing for variable work hours to accommodate and reflect Millennials’ desired emphasis on work-life balance; and take the time to customize feedback options based on how Millennial workers prefer to proceed. Some may be content with annual performance reviews, while others may want more consistent guidance and advice!

3. The New Generation

As aforementioned, Gen Z is predicted to compose 30% of the U.S. workforce by 2030; in other words, nearly a third of our workers will be in their 30s and younger, taking the world by storm. Engaging and retaining Gen Z requires a different—though not dissimilar—approach to retaining Millennials: perhaps above all else, Gen Z are focused and determined to make a difference in the world. They are motivated by a sense of safety, security, and social conscientiousness, and if an employer offers that environment, they are ready to stay. So what steps can the legal world take to embrace the energy of Gen Z?

For one, Gen Z is “the most racially and ethnically diverse generation” yet, and Gen Z has no patience for lip-service diversity. They want to see inclusive hiring practices at work, from diversity in promotional materials to their interview panels.

Student loan debt is no joke, and law school is particularly expensive, so one surefire way to attract Gen Z employees is a competitive salary and comprehensive health insurance. Building tuition reimbursement into positions is also a positive look for Gen Z, who are more likely to stick around at a department they feel is invested in their career and well-being—helping them address the unjust burden of debt saddled onto them is a crucial way to demonstrate that investment.

Lastly, Gen Z craves meaningful feedback. Teams can thus develop and integrate a culture of feedback, where focusing on an individual’s performance and regularly providing them with both praise and constructive comments reinforces the value Gen Z offers.

Again: a major generational shift is happening. Teams across industries must adapt to the changing workforce in order to avoid missed opportunities. After all, when their employees thrive—young and old alike—so do the organizations!

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization. Reach her at


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Five Tips For Financial Institutions to Foster DEI Initiatives


Five Tips For Financial Institutions to Foster DEI Initiatives

“At base, financial literacy is inextricably connected to control over one’s future.” —Ann Cotton, entrepreneur and philanthropist

Knowledge of and access to financial institutions is key to an individual’s autonomy and ability to make good choices for their future. But, there innumerable barriers out there in the world that may prevent various groups of people from fully participating in the financial sector, from a lack of formal education to generational poverty. How, then, can we be financially inclusive? How can we take steps to remove economic barriers, from local to global levels? Though these questions are perhaps impossible to answer in one fell swoop, in this blog I will offer initial guidance on how financial institutions can best embrace diversity, promote equity, and above all, foster inclusion in their everyday practices. Let’s jump right in!

1. Dialogue and Awareness

It almost goes without saying that open dialogue and awareness are crucial elements when it comes to successful DEI implementation, but how do these elements specifically intertwine within the financial industry? I recommend looking toward the Credit Union National Association (CUNA)! From hosting panels on the future of DEI for cross-institution discussion to “hold[ing] regular heritage, cultural, and identity-based events” within their association for their employees to participate in, CUNA’s active efforts to arrange opportunities for open dialogue on a large scale ensures there’s no mistaking the intentionality of their commitment to DEI. On a more individual level, CUNA further ensures conversations surrounding DEI are accessible to all, from Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) for a straightforward focus on business to DEI-centric book clubs for a creative focus on increasing cultural humility and knowledge diversity. I mean, doesn’t that sound ideal? Immersing oneself in DEI through positive dialogue surrounding diverse characters and stories?

At the end of the day, efforts like these and so many more are fundamental to enhancing collaboration across one’s financial institution, and perhaps most importantly, to ensuring people feel heard and respected!

2. Inclusive Lending

When contemplating ways to more thoroughly incorporate DEI across financial landscapes, perhaps the most obvious and yet simultaneously most overlooked strategy is that of inclusive lending. After all, creating an environment that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive extends beyond our employees—it must also encompass the communities we serve! Inclusive lending is one of the most effective ways to accomplish this goal. Allow me to offer a sample scenario:

Yumi, a young Japanese woman, first came to the United States for college in library sciences, and she loved her experience in San Jose so much that she decided to live here full-time. She has a green card and wants to start her own bookstore, but she doesn’t yet have a social security number—how will she be able to get a valid loan?

Well, Yumi isn’t the only person in the United States who lacks an SSN, a reality that means it is incredibly difficult for many people to obtain essential financial resources and to start establishing their credit. In response, many credit unions and community banks have been leveraging the use of the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) and alternative forms of identification to provide crucial financial services to these populations! ITIN and other methods of affordable lending are thus an excellent means of making financial freedom more accessible and affordable to all individuals. How about I take us beyond hypotheticals and into some specific examples? Reading Cooperative Bank, based in Massachusetts, “is actively reaching out to bilingual customers by adding branch staff and marketing signage in Spanish,” similarly making their online and ATM options Spanish-language accessible, too. MUFG Union Bank, now part of Bancorp, has developed “a $5 million loan and accelerator program for minority-owned small businesses” and additionally offers “‘a business diversity loan to SMBs with the intent to provide more resources and tools on all the loan products available to potential homebuyers.’” From steps as simple as linguistic accessibility to as grand as diversity loans for small- and medium-sized businesses, embracing inclusive lending is a surefire way to incorporate DEI in any financial institution.

3. Financial Inclusion Initiatives

In a logical follow-up to inclusive lending, let’s dip our toes into financial inclusion, a practice best understood as “efforts to make financial products and services accessible and affordable to all individuals and businesses, regardless of their personal net worth or company size.” On a practical level, financial inclusion thus means taking steps to remove barriers that prevent various groups of people from fully participating in the financial sector, such as investing in financial literacy programs—from local programs within one’s community to larger programs focused on impoverished areas around the globe (e.g. those supported by the World Bank)—or “focusing on gender-specific financial inclusion initiatives” to help address the disparity that “women are 31% more likely than men to have an inactive bank account.

That makes sense, you may be thinking, but what specific strategies can my financial organization implement to help increase financial inclusion?

A great question! Allow me to offer a few suggestions:

  • Provide alternative methods of credit scoring, i.e. those that consider non-traditional data sources, in order to more comprehensively extend credit access to individuals with limited formal credit history. For example, including elements such as rental history and/or utility bill payments in credit assessment can help ensure a broader access to credit and other financial services! 

  • Develop and implement strong consumer protection frameworks that prioritize fair treatment, transparent pricing, and ethical conduct by one’s financial institution.

  • Lastly, offer “No-Frills” accounts and low-cost transaction accounts to enable financial inclusion at a community level.

Pretty straightforward, right? Onward we go!

4. Digital Accessibility

Although I already touched upon the idea of accessibility with the example of Reading Cooperative Bank’s Spanish-language focus, “digital accessibility” is a concept that more specifically refers to making sure people with disabilities have equal and equitable access to online services, information, opportunities and so forth. After all, if financial institutions aren’t making efforts to include people with disabilities, then how inclusive can those efforts truly be?

Because “disability” is itself a deliberately encompassing term, “digital accessibility” covers a similar broad expanse. Consider the following starter ideas below:

  • For written content on one’s website, ensure screen reader compatibility and offer audio versions.

  • For video content on one’s website, provide captions and/or a transcript, and again ensure screen reader compatibility.

  • Avoid flashing images/videos that might trigger epileptic seizures.

  • Ensure there is high contrast between the text and background colors in online written content and use easy-to-read fonts (such as dyslexic-friendly typefaces!).

  • Ensure the location of one’s institution is wheelchair-accessible and otherwise ADA compliant for people with physical disabilities.

  • Have sign language interpreters available for deaf/HOH clients.

Again, these options are mere starting points—the opportunities to embrace digital accessibility in financial institutions are as diverse and varied as people with disabilities themselves!

5. Supplier Diversity

Last but certainly not least, we must always keep in mind that the implementation of DEI initiatives should not only be internal but also external—in other words, embracing DEI should benefit one’s community as a whole! What better initiative to foreground than that of supplier diversity?

Supplier diversity is a business strategy that encourages the use of diverse suppliers, from women-owned companies to those owned by veterans. In the finance industry, supplier diversity is increasingly recognized as a technique that successfully promotes financial inclusion,  enhances innovation and competitiveness, reflects customer diversity (and economically empowers diverse groups), and ultimately builds more united communities—a situation beneficial for everyone involved. The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), for example, champions supplier diversity, emphasizing the multitude of ways in which credit unions and other financial institutions can benefit by intentionally including a diverse supplier pool when procuring goods and services—it’s good business for credit unions to engage in supplier diversity!

Fundamentally, the primary goal of a supplier diversity program is to ensure that diverse suppliers a) are included and b) provided numerous opportunities (and proper support) to compete for procurement needs. Regardless of the size of one’s organization, any and all financial institutions are capable of establishing a supplier diversity program! Smaller organizations, for example, may focus on intentionally seeking out contract quotes and proposals from diverse suppliers during the procurement process. Larger organizations, in contrast, may take the extra step of compiling a database of diverse suppliers in their communities to regularly have available, or they may create a position dedicated to arranging contracts with diverse suppliers (or both!). No matter what, a step toward employing diverse suppliers is also a step toward embracing DEI, and for that, I can’t recommend this strategy to financial institutions enough!

And there we have it: five key areas in which financial institutions can embrace and implement many facets of DEI, from disability inclusion to inclusive lending practices. What are we waiting for? The intersection of finance and DEI awaits us!

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at and


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The Future of Employee Engagement


The Future of Employee Engagement

Given that companies with higher levels of employee engagement also have higher levels of productivity, retention, and profitability, it’s clear this positive feedback loop is one every organization should strive for. Of course, the practical implementation of employee engagement will continue to evolve in weeks, months, and years to come, and organizations who seek to maintain their high success will be the ones who also seek to continue engaging employees. So, how can they go about doing that?

In this blog, I will walk through five key areas organizations should focus on to thrive in the future of employee engagement, additionally highlighting how some of these strategies differ from those of the past. Ready to jump in?

1. Flexible Work & Ironclad Trust

One study found that 75% of workers experience greater productivity when working remotely, for reasons ranging from a lack of commuting anxiety to dealing with fewer distractions. That’s no small percentage! And odds are that this percentage is only going to increase in years to come, because by 2028, “58% of the workforce will be millennials and Gen Z,” a whopping 90% of whom favor remote work. While there will always be employees who prefer the in-person nature of an office, if we want to prepare ourselves for the future of employee engagement, that means supporting the work options that will be most engaging for our employees. If that option is remote and with flexible scheduling, then doing our best to accommodate them will not only make employees feel more supported but also give them the best opportunity to put forth their best work—it’s a win-win!

I cannot emphasize trust enough when we think of the future of employee engagement and remote work. In years past, top-down communication was not just the standard but simply what was expected. Nowadays—and even more so in the years to come—future employees are demanding an emphasis on open dialogue, particularly through “collaborative, transparent communication channels.” Such openness is particularly crucial for remote work, ensuring employees feel connected and engaged even from miles apart.

When employees can trust their employers, they’re more likely to be engaged to do their best work —to me, that’s a goal any company should strive towards.

2. Health & Wellness

Gone are the days of generic, one-size-fits-all benefits packages! While such an option may have been efficient in the past, more and more employees prefer personalized packages, and this trend is only projected to increase. Ultimately, the personalization of benefits packages signals that an organization prioritizes the health and well-being of their workers, a green flag for employees and a surefire way to maintain engagement—after all, healthy employees are more likely to be engaged employees!

When it comes to the practical implementation of these packages, one strategy is to offer “cafeteria-style benefit selections based on life stage.” Younger employees, for example, may seek student loan relief coverage, while older employees and employees with disabilities might prefer life insurance policies and more rigorous healthcare. The more personalization available, the better!

In addition to offering diverse benefits packages, a parallel trend to pay attention to for the future of employee engagement is the growing emphasis on wellness. Though it likely comes as no surprise to most of us that stressed employees are less engaged and less productive at work, it should be emphasized that “[p]oor mental health is one of the biggest issues in the workplace… caus[ing] a loss of over 70 million working days every year.” Consequently, a strong corporate wellness program not only tends to the well-being of current employees but may also attract new ones—a beneficial (and engaging!) practice all around. And hey, did you know that “for every dollar invested in… wellness initiatives, companies are reaping a return of $3.92 in reduced costs and increased productivity”? A pretty great deal!

3. Immersion Early On

When we think of employee engagement, many of our minds may immediately consider how to engage employees who have been at our organizations for months and years. But what about employees who have only been part of our teams for days and weeks? The future of employee engagement requires expanding our scope of employees being actively engaged, and that means focusing on onboarding and entry-level positions.

The process of enhancing the experiences of new hires and people who are just beginning their professional careers is one that offers an excellent opportunity to incorporate new and up-and-coming technologies, including but not exclusive to AI. For example, onboarding marks a chance to “provide immersive virtual experiences, ensuring new employees feel connected and valued from day one.” VR, microlearning, animated sequences—the possibilities are limitless. Additionally, reflecting on the expectations of entry-level positions is a crucial vehicle for increasing employee engagement. Are there any tasks that automation can complete, allowing for entry-level positions to place more emphasis on emotional intelligence, creativity, and problem-solving?

4. Employee Recognition & Growth

It has always been true that employees are more than their work. The call for companies to recognize this reality, however, is one that has just gotten started in recent years, and it will only continue in years to come. One employee engagement platform even predicts that “annual performance reviews are becoming obsolete,” replaced by “real-time feedback mechanisms” and other communication-intensive strategies. So what does that mean for organizations?

Well, we don’t have to throw annual performance reviews completely out the window in one fell swoop, but the trend calling for increasing communication and recognition signals that employers might want to invest in “[p]latforms for employee feedback” and recognition, including remote employees. On a financial level, regular “performance-based bonuses” are an effective means of monetarily recognizing employee accomplishments and contributions, helping maintain and increase engagement. Even on a day-to-day basis, however, there are numerous means by which an organization can acknowledge the efforts of their employees! From thank you notes to digital awards (e.g. a badge an employee can include on their profile) to anything in-between that “feel[s] personal and meaningful,” I encourage companies to think creatively about the most effective ways to engage their employees. (And if a strategy doesn’t work out, hey, that’s what open communication channels are available for!)

Relatedly, providing employees opportunities for growth not only echoes recognition of their achievements but improves engagement by offering them development to aim for and look forward to. And I’m not just talking about mentorship programs and leadership coaching, though those are excellent options! I’m also talking about educational opportunities, including financial support for employees seeking additional academic study. Some individuals may have always wanted a second degree but never had the chance, and for their employer to provide that opportunity? Not only are they more likely to be engaged in their work, but they’re also more likely to trust and remain loyal to their organization.

5. Social Responsibility

Last but certainly not least, a definitive trend in the future of employee engagement is an organizational emphasis on social responsibility. Millennials and Gen Z, who will be the majority of the workforce in years to come, “place a high value on the social and environmental impact of their work – and the [companies] they work for.” As such, the desire for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) platforms, programs, and policies will only continue to grow. One CSR model receiving a tremendous amount of investment, for example, is sustainability, as more and more employees desire to work for companies that minimize—if not cancel out—their negative environmental impact. The opportunities for organizations to invest in social responsibility are endless, from community activism to local food drives to supporting research on renewable energy. Regardless of the specifics a company chooses to pursue, employees of the future are on the lookout for social responsibility. If an organization provides that, they’re more likely to engage (and retain!) their employees along the way.

And there we have it—five areas in which companies can best prepare for the future of employee engagement. So, what are we standing around for? The future waits for no one!

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at and


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Creating an Inclusive Workplace for Individuals with Disabilities


Creating an Inclusive Workplace for Individuals with Disabilities

When it comes to diversity, equity, and inclusion, many organizations focus on axes of race and gender. While it is crucial that we uplift and spotlight the efforts of women and people of color, DEI expands beyond these two categories, and one group of individuals that we should all be more intentionally inclusive of are people with disabilities. In this blog, I’ll offer advice in three key categories—Accessibility, Financial, and Community—on how we can be more supportive of people with disabilities in the workplace!

Before we move on, I find it important to establish that “disability” is itself a capacious term. Though many of us may hear “disability” and immediately conjure up visuals of people in wheelchairs or other signs of physical disability, it is important that our efforts toward inclusion also consider neurodiversity (ADHD, autism, dyslexia, anxiety, OCD, and more) as well as invisible disabilities (chronic fatigue syndrome, cystic fibrosis, chronic pain syndrome, lupus, and more).

Additionally, I want to emphasize that disability inclusion goes beyond the hiring process. Microsoft, for example, eliminated its interview process for candidates with autism after noticing that people with autism were not getting hired despite possessing the expected knowledge and intellect, instead creating a different assessment program that involved various exercises to test technical skills and teamwork. All the same, many people with disabilities that I personally know have confided in me that while they are often incredibly grateful to have been hired into their position, they feel there is a ceiling that prevents them from progressing upward. As such, I want to focus on inclusive measures that prioritize the experiences of people with disabilities after they have been hired.

With that knowledge in mind, let’s dive in!

1. Accessibility

“Accessibility” is a term often used when discussing disability inclusion, i.e. “How can we increase accessibility for our employees with disabilities?” Such a starting point is crucial, and so is the realization that follows: there is no one-size-fits-all approach to disability inclusion. As introduced, disability is expansive, and the accessibility needs of people who use wheelchairs will be different from people with dyslexia. Rather than seeing this situation as a daunting challenge, however, here’s my advice: dare to include everyone. Have individual conversations with employees with disabilities and receive their specific input on what practices would make the organization more accessible and inclusive for them! Such advice may seem obvious, but the importance of speaking directly to employees with disabilities and making accommodations based on their direct feedback cannot go understated.

Of course, there are a few best practices any organization can get behind when it comes to disability inclusion—let’s walk through a few!

  • Like Accenture, provide captions and sign language interpreters for deaf employees

  • Better yet, like Microsoft’s System-Wide Live Captions, take advantage of programs that automatically generate captions for all visual-auditory material (though have employees on hand who can proofread and correct these captions as needed)

  • For written content, provide screen readers and/or offer audio (and Braille) versions

  • Similarly, ensure there is high contrast between the text and background colors in written content

  • Use easy-to-read fonts across organizational documents (such as dyslexic-friendly typefaces!)

  • Offer noise-cancelling headphones, natural light, and quiet workspaces for neurodiverse individuals

  • If employees have emotional support animals or service animals, go beyond allowing them in the workplace—for example, offer accommodations that ensure employees can adjust their breaks accordingly to take care of their service animal

  • Have multiple wheelchair-accessible bathrooms

Lastly, a general accessibility rule to abide by is this: allow people with disabilities to work with their strengths, not against their disability. Gordon Food Service, for example, created an internship program for people with disabilities that provided training, accessibility, and a welcoming environment for entry-level positions. Nathan Mort, an individual with autism, was hired to track warranty claims, a job he excelled at because its reliance on routines resonated with his neurodiversity: “A reason why I like my job is because it’s kind of the same thing over and over again. I really like routines. That is part of my autism.”

Ensuring employees are not working against their disability can be as simple as providing a chair to a cashier who is unable to stand for long periods of time. Again, we must talk to our employees with disabilities and determine what accommodations are best for them—from there, accessibility is almost inherent!

2. Financial

Offering financial support to people with disabilities perhaps feels like it goes without saying, but in my experience, this category is often overlooked when it comes to disability inclusion. Fortunately, there are a multitude of ways we can be intentionally inclusive about offering financial support regarding disability, and I want to hone in on two: social support and benefits packages.

In terms of social support, it is crucial that companies invest in organizations dedicated to uplifting people with disabilities to demonstrate that “inclusion” goes beyond the boundaries of a single company. After all, inclusion encompasses both organizational growth and social growth! Bank of America, for example, has an ongoing three-year, $5 million grant to Special Olympics, the goal of which is to expand leadership programs into urban school districts to address disparities faced by people with intellectual disabilities, especially people of color. Similarly, T-Mobile is a sponsor of the National Wheelchair Basketball Association, where they often physically attend youth tournaments in order to talk to them about T-Mobile and encourage them to apply.

In other words, financially investing in organizations that support communities with disabilities is both a crucial way to demonstrate intentional inclusion and a viable means of engaging the future generation of employees with disabilities to work at one’s company—a win-win!

Additionally, having comprehensive benefits packages are important for all employees at an organization, but perhaps especially so for individuals with disabilities, who often face disproportionately higher medical bills and economic crises. Two disability-inclusive factors to incorporate in one’s benefits packages, then, are health reimbursements arrangements (HRAs) and life insurance packages. Why?

HRAs are fairly self-explanatory, as their express purpose is to give employers the opportunity to reimburse their employees, tax-free, for health insurance premiums and medical expenses. This arrangement could be life-saving for people with disabilities, who may have an expensive chronic medical condition or encounter unexpected medical costs because of a health emergency. Offering this type of financial support to employees with disabilities is thus crucial to inclusion, as it demonstrates that the organization wants people with disabilities to remain financially stable and able to perform the best work they can without the looming threat of medical bills.

Life insurance policies are also often valuable to people with disabilities for the simple but frustrating reasons that life insurance companies often view individuals with disabilities as a greater “risk” and are thus more likely to offer incredibly expensive coverage, if they offer any at all. Fortunately, basic life insurance from one’s company is typically low-cost or free to the employee, providing people with disabilities the reassurance that their company not only supports them but also their families and loved ones.

3. Community

Last but certainly not least, intentional inclusion of people with disabilities extends to ensuring that they have a supportive community. What do I mean by this statement?

On the most literal level, it is important for organizations to allow employees with disabilities to connect with one another. At the feedback from employees with disabilities, for example, Bank of America had their disability Employee Resource Groups (ERG) “allow members to see who is near them (with each individuals’ permission) and who the other members of the ERG are nationally as well (similarly, with permission).” Choice is key, where no employees should feel pressured to be “out” with their disability unless they desire to do so, but giving individuals with disabilities the opportunity to connect with one another can help ensure no one feels like “the only,” i.e. the pressure to be the sole representative of people with disabilities in an organization.

Beyond the literal definition of community, organizations should also develop and emphasize flexible work options for people with disabilities. In doing so, they foreground their employees’ autonomy and decision-making about how they want to engage with the workplace. Allow individuals with disabilities to set their own hours! Allow various means of remote work, with clear guidelines outlined about who individuals should reach out with questions! Redefining “community” beyond the traditional 9-to-5, in-person office network ensures that individuals with chronic fatigue, for example, can more easily balance their work and their well-being by not having to unnecessarily travel to an office.

Let’s be intentional in showing people with disabilities they are valued, supported, and utterly necessary to the practical and creative functions of every organization!

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at and


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DEI Hiring Checklist


DEI Hiring Checklist

Job Description

Did we use gender neutral language?

Did we include the appropriate number of years of experience required for the role?

Are the skills listed aligned with the tasks required?

Are the skills required or can they be acquired?

Did we evaluate the education requirement?

Are the qualities/abilities both listed and reasonable?

Did we include enough information about the culture of the organization in the job posting?

Advertising the Job

Did we advertise the job on diverse channels and with diverse organizations?

Did we allow enough time to find diverse candidates?

Did we target diverse candidates with proactive sourcing?

Did we include salary ranges based on internal and external data?

Did we include language to encourage applicants covered under the ADA?

Hiring Committee

Is the hiring committee diverse?

Did we train the staff on conducting unbiased interviews?

Did we develop the evaluation criteria for the role?

Did we offer the candidate options for interview schedule modality?

Did we create an interview question template for consistency?

Are the required exercises (presentation, case study) appropriate for the role, and are there options given for the delivery? 

Hiring Process

Did we remove/mask the name, location, education/colleges, associations, and pictures from the candidate information prior to the interviews?

Did we have at least 20% diversity in our candidate pool?

Did we ask each candidate the same questions in the same order?

Did we refrain from asking multi-part questions?

Did we give the candidate enough time to answer questions?

Did we check that the interview questions would not result in bias against the candidate?

Did we ensure all candidates were interviewed in the same environment (in person vs. Zoom vs. the same conference room)? 

Candidate Evaluation

Did we screen the candidates in vs. screening them out? 

Did we evaluate the candidates based on the essential functions - skills, education, and job requirements?

Did we ensure all qualifications (non-negotiables) apply to all candidates?

Did we review the evaluation form for any biases? Such as halo/horn effects, affinity bias, and name bias.

Did we use the same evaluation criteria that was agreed upon prior to the interviews and rank all candidates accordingly? 

Did we evaluate each candidate based on their cultural or skill adds and on bringing in the talent that we are missing on the team?

Did we listen to and consider input from all interviewers on the panel? 

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at and


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DEI? D&I? DEIJ? DEIJA? IED? I&D? (Which One?)


DEI? D&I? DEIJ? DEIJA? IED? I&D? (Which One?)

In my work as a DEI consultant, I have seen an infinite number of acronyms that refer to these initiatives—DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion); D&I (diversity and inclusion); DEIJ (diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice); DEIJA (diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and accessibility); and the list goes on as the acronyms grow longer! On the one hand, I understand that there can be advantages to these increasing levels of specificity. My work is inherently centered around advocating for diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and accessibility! On the other hand—well, aren’t these concepts in many ways… the same?

As I think about these acronyms and the increasing amount of terms they include, I have to force myself to take a step back. What if, I ask myself. What if I was someone overwhelmed with DEI? What if I was someone resistant to DEI, and I kept finding myself facing a new DEI-related acronym every other day of the week? How would I feel?

“Confused” is probably the most concise answer, but “frustrated” may tag along right with it. Why have so many acronyms? Which one is the right acronym? The real one?

Of course, all of these acronyms are “right” and “real” in the sense that DEI, D&I, DEIJ, DEIJA, and so forth each seek to communicate the importance of creating a diverse, welcoming, fair environment. However, I learned early on in my work as a speaker the importance of simplifying complex messages. As I watch acronym after acronym pop up and increase in length, I have to wonder: are we doing the opposite with DEI? Are we taking a relatively simple message—care for and respect other people, no matter who they are or where they come from—and complicating it as we tack on letter after letter?

Here’s my advice: simplify it! As I mentioned at the start of this blog, diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and accessibility are inherently intertwined. There is no such thing as equity without justice. Inclusion demands accessibility for all and the celebration of diversity. Simply put, we cannot accomplish any one of these concepts without implementing the others.

For companies, I would recommend choosing an acronym for their DEI-related initiatives and sticking with it—keep things consistent! In that same vein, I would even advise the broader movement to unite around one acronym and ideally minimize confusion. We don’t want to push resistant individuals away when too many people already seek to make this important topic needlessly polarizing. At the end of the day, the message of DEI is one that is simple yet crucial, and our acronyms would perhaps be best reflecting that!

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at and


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After the Training: Continuing Our DEI Education


After the Training: Continuing Our DEI Education

The importance of continued DEI education cannot be overstated. However, I’ll be the first to acknowledge that DEI training opportunities cost time and money! So while these workshops are indeed crucial, it is equally imperative that we continue our efforts of DEI education and awareness beyond training. 

(And if that continued education minimizes the amount of money spent, well, I can’t imagine any organization is going to complain.)

Today, I want to offer a simple piece of advice as to how we can continue to educate ourselves on DEI and all of its nuances beyond formal workshops and training!

Here is my recommendation: designate a team member as the organization’s DEI focal point. If a company has a DEI Council, perhaps the employee is chosen from there, but anyone who is passionate about DEI education can easily handle this position. Whenever the rest of us stumble across a DEI-related resource, such as an article about disability in the workplace or a video about how to address microaggressions or any content in-between, we can send it to the designated employee. The employee will proceed to get the materials approved by HR. Afterwards, the designated employee can email at least one DEI resource to all individuals in the company once a week (or as often as an organization prefers—maybe a T/Th schedule is preferable).

Bonus Option: Managers can lead discussions related to these materials and the lessons learned from them in departmental meetings!

I promised my advice was simple, didn’t I? Continuing our DEI education is crucial, but it should not be exhausting or overly expensive. I hope this recommendation offers us all a straightforward and enjoyable way to continue educating ourselves about DEI beyond formal training!

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at and


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Re-branding DEI to "A Culture of Kindness"


Re-branding DEI to "A Culture of Kindness"

DEI. Diversity, equity, and inclusion. For some, these words cause immense resistance, striking discomfort, fear, and even anger into them! How can we implement DEI and avoid this knee-jerk reaction of resistance? After all, many people—even if they oppose DEI as a project—are not opposed to DEI’s core idea: kindness. So, what can we do with this information?

Hear me out: DEI might benefit from a rebranding! Rather than overly emphasizing the term “DEI” itself, we can discuss DEI as a culture of kindness. In doing so, we communicate the core message of DEI—compassion, empathy, and respect through the creation of welcoming environments—without losing the attention of those who may feel more resistant to “DEI” as a term. Let’s walk through some potential benefits of this rebranding!

1. Human Connection

Shifting the verbiage to “kindness” highlights the importance of treating other people with empathy and offering them forgiveness when they make mistakes. In other words, we can encourage individuals to go beyond mere “tolerance” and instead actively support and uplift one another! Perhaps one of the most important benefits brought about by reframing DEI as a culture of kindness is the creation of a welcoming environment that prioritizes emotional well-being. When workplaces foster inclusion, people experience increased belonging and a stronger sense of psychological safety (not to mention greater job satisfaction!). After all, kindness begets inclusion because kindness means emphasizing what we share with others—our inherent human connection!

2. Alignment with Values

As I mentioned earlier, some people chafe against the phrase “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” the reasons for which may vary from person to person. By rebranding DEI as a culture of kindness, we can often make more clear how the values of DEI and thus of the organization at hand already align with their own. Fostering a culture of kindness (i.e. committing to diversity, equity, and inclusion) in our workplaces means treating all individuals with respect, fairness, and care—who could disagree with that?

3. Holistic Approach

Perhaps the best part of rebranding DEI as a culture of kindness is the fact that kindness is universal! No matter where we are in the world, kindness can be understood and embraced by people across cultures and from every background or belief system. If we reframe DEI as a culture of kindness, we may find ourselves making DEI more relatable and accessible to a broader range of individuals than we ever thought possible! In that same vein, encouraging a culture of kindness promotes not just a holistic approach to DEI but to our interpersonal relationships in the workplace, too. What do I mean by this? Simply that organizations who commit to kindness are more likely to encourage positive interactions and behaviors among their employees, resulting in increased collaboration, productivity, and teamwork!

So, how do we feel so far? Anyone else on board with the idea of reframing DEI as a culture of kindness?

If you still have some reservations, fear not! I want to highlight two important caveats to this rebranding theory before I conclude:

Complement, Not Replace

The rebranding of DEI as a culture of kindness is exactly that—a rebranding! To rebrand something is merely to change its image, not its core. As such, rebranding DEI should not diminish an organization’s focus on initiatives that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. Discussing DEI as a culture of kindness is meant to complement DEI’s core theme of treating others with respect, not replace the action-based nature of DEI with polite small talk. A crucial part of the respect that DEI facilitates is addressing systemic inequality, conscious bias, and unconscious bias, meaning reframing DEI as a culture of kindness should work toward this goal, too!

Structural Change and Accountability

As emphasized, a culture of kindness must be accompanied by comprehensive strategies that encompass education, policies, representation, and active efforts by organizations to dismantle systemic injustice. Ensuring the rebranded “culture of kindness” remains aligned with DEI means refusing to disregard the importance of structural change and holding ourselves accountable. Organizations must continue to address systemic barriers, from developing equitable policies in hiring and promotion to creating more efficient means of reporting and addressing harassment in the workplace. As we all know, the work is not easy, but it is well worth it!

There we have it: three potential benefits of framing DEI as a culture of kindness, as well as two important factors to keep in mind as we do so. Any thoughts on this possibility? If nothing else, I believe it worth a try!

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at and


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Call me Woke — I call DEI Good Business


Call me Woke — I call DEI Good Business

2023 has seen an extreme amount resistance to DEI, and many companies that are supporting DEI are facing backlash for their advertisements and products. Chick-fil-A, too, recently faced negative backlash simply for having a DEI page on their website, with people accusing them of “going woke” and demanding boycotts. One person even suggested DEI was antithetical to Chick-fil-A’s Christian values.

I have written in the past about how companies can address internal resistance to DEI initiatives, from utilizing dialogue to demonstrating transparency to sticking to their values. In that same vein, many organizations want to know how they can prepare for and address public backlash to DEI. Today, I will go through three key tips to handle this potential antagonism!

1. Focus on the Vision

Above all else, organizations must keep in mind that DEI is for the long term. The backlash they may receive is temporary, no matter how vitriolic it may seem. Ultimately, this backlash is rooted in fear, especially people’s fear of losing power. As time passes, more and more of those who oppose DEI realize that these initiatives are not about seizing power from anyone; rather, DEI is about creating a world where all people are included and treated fairly. The result? Much of their fear gradually fades! The long-term benefits of DEI are incalculable; for example, DEI increases an organization’s competitive advantage, meaning that only by sticking to those values will such productivity come to fruition. And let’s not forget that companies who stick with DEI are more likely to thrive even during economic downturns! DEI is a perpetual vision for the future, and as such organizations must resist the urge to get caught up in the finite backlash of the present.

2. Positive Economics of DEI

Speaking of the economy, much attention has recently been placed on Target and Bud Light’s dismal profits in the wake of anti-LGBTQ+ backlash that caused them to remove Pride products or revoke Pride campaigns. However, this information is only part of the story! Multiple organizations who have committed to DEI, be it through a public campaign or internal policy, have found that their profits ultimately increase—often substantially so. Allow me to give just a couple examples:

Nike demonstrated its commitment to supporting DEI and racial justice through a “campaign with football player and civil rights activist Colin Kaepernick. The ad was supported by the coveted young consumers demographic and won Nike (NKE) an Emmy. In the years since the campaign, Nike (NKE)’s share price has increased.” In other words, Nike is still going strong not just in spite because in fact because of their dedication to DEI!

United Airlines similarly made a DEI commitment in 2021 “for half of its incoming pilot trainees to be women and/or people of color,” leading to backlash and accusations of reverse discrimination. But if we “[c]ut to the beginning of 2023… United [Airlines] was reporting fourth-quarter 2022 profit of $843 million, beating Wall Street expectations.” Seems like the rationale of “go woke, go broke” simply doesn’t hold water.

In other words, there’s no shame in seeing vitriolic backlash and questioning whether an organizational commitment to DEI is worth the potential antagonism. I can certainly sympathize with this anxiety! But again, the negative economic impacts of this backlash are temporary. Because DEI is a long-term vision, its economic impacts are similarly rooted in the long term, and if companies remain committed to DEI, they will find positive economic growth in their future!

3. It’s About Community

What much backlash regarding DEI fails to recognize is that an organization’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is inherently intertwined with their commitment to the community they serve. Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban puts it more eloquently than I ever could:

“‘Call me woke — you don’t need to call it DEI, you can call it whatever you want — I call it good business… [DEI] means taking the people that you’re selling to and making sure your workforce looks like them, and making sure you can reflect their values and being able to connect to that. That’s what works for me.’”

DEI is about cultivating a workplace that reflects and supports its community, and that includes embracing the inherent beauty and value of diversity. What’s more, younger generations are fully in support of DEI! More than half of all adults who identify as LGBTQ+, for example, are under 35, meaning demands for organizations to support the LGBTQ+ community and their LGBTQ+ employees will not be going away anytime soon. In fact, they are only going to increase with time. DEI is a vision for the future of all communities, where we can say with confidence that everyone feels supported, included, and welcomed.

At the end of the day, DEI is simply the right thing to do—it’s good for the future, good for business, and good for the community. No amount of backlash will change that!

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at and


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3 Tips For Applying Sales Strategies For DEI Advocacy


3 Tips For Applying Sales Strategies For DEI Advocacy

In my work as a DEI consultant, I have witnessed other DEI coaches and trainers stand at the front of a room full of white men and begin their presentation by discussing racial privilege. Don’t get me wrong—white privilege is real and important to acknowledge during any in-depth discussion of DEI! However, to start a discussion about DEI using white privilege risks losing this group in the first breath, leaving everyone unsatisfied. At the end of the day, we want to sell the concept of DEI, winning not just the minds but also the hearts of individuals! And what better way to achieve this goal than by importing a few sales tactics into our DEI regimens?

I believe a key reason that some DEI initiatives fall short is because those involved are not wholly sold on the value DEI can bring to themselves, their employees, and their organization. As such, it is up to us and all those who support DEI to improve our ability to sell DEI. Today, we will walk through three key sales skills that we can adopt in order to strengthen our DEI efforts. Ready to dive in?

1. Know Your Audience

Understanding the needs, interests, and priorities of the people we are pitching to is a crucial element of sales, and consequently a crucial element of selling the concept of DEI. In other words, we should research the background of our audience, allowing us to gain a stronger grasp on any questions they may have. By recognizing that every group we speak with will have a different perspective and acceptance of DEI, we can best tailor our pitch to their specific concerns!

Regarding the instance I mentioned at the beginning of this blog, I would offer that in order to most effectively sell DEI, we cannot begin DEI-related discussions with concepts of privilege or any subject that could potentially be labelled politically “controversial” (excepting, of course, if we are requested to hold such a discussion). I know, I know—it may feel like we’re bowing down to systemic inequality when we don’t discuss important topics like racial privilege or the glass ceiling. But we have to remember: DEI is all about playing the long game by brining people along! We want to make lasting change. 

And how does this relate to selling DEI? Simply put, it serves us well to pitch DEI by starting with simple, common topics anyone can relate to! I say this not to suggest that DEI is not complex—it certainly is—but to remind us that simplifying our message goes a long way in sales (and consequently, in selling DEI). DEI is a subject in which we are always digging deeper, but when we try to bring companies along this journey with us, we want to ensure that they can dig at their own pace, not be so afraid of falling into a hole and breaking a bone that they refuse to participate.

I personally recommend beginning DEI conversations with an emphasis on human connection, e.g. reminding audiences that no matter our race, our gender, our background, we have all felt excluded at different points in our lives. That feeling of exclusion is not a pleasant one, and it is not, I suspect, a feeling we would ever wish upon others. DEI, in turn, is about creating an environment where no one feels excluded. What could be a more admirable goal?

To use a bit of sales terminology, exclusion is a pain point for many organizations—whether they know it or not—and DEI is the precise solution to that problem. As a result, we cannot risk shutting down potential leads by starting our conversations with too hot a topic; we want to turn leads into prospects and eventually buyers. When we know our audience, we will know how to most effectively communicate with them!

2. Address Potential Concerns

While I touched upon this concept in the previous section, I felt it nonetheless deserved a section of its own. Here is a fact: dealing with different people means we are always dealing with different stages of the DEI journey. To integrate more sales terminology, some people will be early adopters, already committed, doing independent research, and basking in the glory of how DEI has improved their organization. Many will be in the early majority, interested in DEI and tentatively willing to implement corresponding initiatives. Some will be in the late majority, perhaps willing to approach DEI but skeptical of its effectiveness. And, of course, there will always be a few laggards, i.e. those who refuse to consider DEI on its own merit.

So what does this mean for our goal of selling DEI? Simply that we need to meet people where they are! Speaking to a member of the early majority is different from speaking to a member of the late majority. In my assessment, the former will likely be more interested in hearing the tangible benefits of DEI for their organization while the latter will probably be better served by addressing their fears related to DEI implementation.

In short, respect the journey, and respect where individuals are on that journey! After all, DEI is about the soft sell, not the hard sell. Pitching DEI means acknowledging that having one conversation is not necessarily going to change someone’s mind; instead, we should focus on planting the seeds in the hope that they will one day blossom into something bigger and beautiful.

Before moving to the next and final section of this blog, allow me to offer an important addendum: regardless of where a person is on their individual DEI journey, it is nearly always beneficial to tell people how DEI will benefit them. Time after time, I have witnessed DEI trainers unwittingly dwell too much on guilt and blame, which causes individuals—especially those possessing greater privilege—to feel like DEI will make them lose something (perhaps their power, perhaps their friendships, perhaps something else altogether). In reality, the situation is the exact opposite: DEI is about an all-encompassing gain! DEI benefits everyone, and the list of examples is endless. Depending on our audience, we might remind them that DEI is rooted in creating a healthier, more welcoming culture both inside and outside of the workplace. Alternatively, we might offer that DEI will help their family. Perhaps they have a partner with disabilities, or an LGBTQ+ child, or a sister, none of whom they wish to see experience discrimination and harassment in the workplace.

At the end of the day, DEI benefits all of us, no matter our background, a fact we would be remiss not to highlight in our (figurative) sales pitches!

3. Adapt Your Approach

We might think of this section as tying the previous two together: knowing our audience and preparing ourselves to address their potential concerns regarding DEI means we must be prepared to adapt our approach at any moment. In other words, we must be flexible, tailoring our communicative style and content based on the preferences and personalities of the group we are speaking to. I will be the first to admit that this advice can be tricky to implement! After all, as we have established, our audience is not one group of people. Perhaps even more intimidating, our audiences often consist of multiple groups within themselves. We may find ourselves facing a mixture of early majority, late majority, and laggards, all in one audience! It is therefore not always easy to get everyone on board about DEI all at once.

Of course, I feel it is important to remind ourselves that this reality applies to any product, not just DEI. No matter what we are trying to sell, we must always be conscious of how we are reaching people of different backgrounds and opinions. The best advice I can give when it comes to adapting our approaches is simple: ensure that our audience always feels respected. Easier said than done, of course! But even if we disagree with someone—perhaps we are dealing with a laggard who stubbornly believes DEI spells the death of organizations—we will never convince them otherwise if they feel that we are not listening and hearing them. After all, some people may simply wish to see the proof of DEI’s benefits through other organizations before they invest time and money in it themselves, and if we do not respect that perspective, then those audiences will never give us the time of day. Change is a process! (The old adage remains true: patience is a virtue.) The more we continue pushing, however gently, for the positive growth DEI brings, the more people will see the value of DEI and thus adopt it over time.

One final tip before I conclude: focus on developing compelling stories. I truly believe that storytelling is one of the most powerful tools we can use to connect to an audience and demonstrate to them the value of DEI. Statistics, though useful, are often impersonal. Showing vulnerability through personal narratives, on the other hand, helps ensure we can create emotional bonds with our audiences, e.g. revealing how a particular experience of discrimination has permanently impacted ourselves and our worldview. How can we not connect with someone when we know their story?

In short, stories are how we get to the hearts of other people, and as I said earlier, truly selling DEI means winning both the minds and hearts of individuals. Stories make us human, and we can most effectively evolve our sales strategies by keeping this tactic in mind!

There we have it: three key tips for applying sales strategies to our DEI advocacy. What do you think? Shall we call this DEI sales opportunity “closed-won”?

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at and


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What Does "The Rule of The Thumb" Has to do With DEI?


What Does "The Rule of The Thumb" Has to do With DEI?

The English language is full of phrases that have been passed down for generations, many of which to the point where we can no longer recall their origin. Or perhaps we can, but we simply don’t associate the phrase with its origin anymore!

One such phrase is “rule of thumb.” Note that the origin of this phrase is contested among scholars, and I don’t wish to imply that this blog is the be-all, end-all of sources. Rather, I intend to discuss one theory of this phrase’s origin and the consequences of such a history.

First and foremost, many of us likely know that “rule of thumb” today refers to any general principle or guideline based on broad, practical knowledge rather than precise calculations. We might say it’s a good rule of thumb, for example, to tell a friend where you’re eating if you’re going on a first date with someone you met online. In other words, “rule of thumb” simply refers to a technique or thought process that is useful in a given situation!

Historically, however, “rule of thumb” wasn’t always such a broad concept. In the 17th century, English common law reputedly allowed for domestic abuse from the husband to a wife, so long as the stick he used to beat her was no thicker than his thumb. The “rule of thumb,” in other words, was a rule that permitted—even encouraged—domestic violence. Rather gruesome history, right?

As I mentioned, the interpretation of this phrase’s history is not certain; the fact that English common law is based on precedent and not codified law leads to nuance and variability when interpreting centuries-old information. Nonetheless, I think it goes without saying that no one here supports domestic abuse and verbiage that encourages it! Even if “rule of thumb” no longer refers to a law permitting violence against women, that understanding and that history of the term remains. We are left with a choice: we can continue to use phrases like “rule of thumb” that may be rooted in violence, or we can stop using them and in doing so stop the perpetuation of centuries worth of harm.

So, why do I bring this topic up? The reason is simple: I encourage us to question words and phrases that we have heard and been using for years, decades, centuries. If we don’t question accepted language, then we may never become aware of when we are perpetuating harm.

In fact, I have discussed before the importance of questioning our language, because words have tremendous power, and thus being careful about the words we say is one of the simplest and yet also one of the strongest ways we can work toward a brighter, more inclusive world. Some of these terms may have clearly negative origins, such as “slavedriver” and “too many chiefs and not enough Indians” while others may be subtler, such as the possible misogyny in “rule of thumb” and the hidden ableism in phrases like “turn a blind eye to” something. In short, although a word or phrase may have been used for a long time, longevity is no reflection of its respect or inclusion, and it’s up to us to question what we have been conditioned to believe is “acceptable” speech!

I’ll conclude with this: do we want to be part of harmful complacency, or do we want to be part of positive change? Our language will reflect our decision!

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at and


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6 Focus Areas For Beginning Your Organization's DEI Journey


6 Focus Areas For Beginning Your Organization's DEI Journey

In my work as a DEI consultant, I have witnessed a range of organizations express a desire to begin the DEI journey and make their workplaces more inclusive to all. The first problem that presents itself is simple: where to start?

In this blog, I will walk through a selection of key observations and recommendations that I have developed through my work for organizations who are ready to put in the work for DEI but aren’t quite sure where to begin. What are we waiting for? There’s no time to waste!

Observation #1: Employees want thorough implementation of DEI.

Seems self-explanatory, right? “Let’s just offer some DEI training!” The key to thoroughly and effectively implementing DEI is to go about this process intentionally. In other words, outline and define metrics to monitor DEI progress (and make that information available to employees) as well as provide regular DEI training. Not just 5- to 10-minute videos sent in biweekly emails, but also offer workshops and other immersive learning opportunities! As the DEI journey progresses, ensure those workshops become more in-depth; for example, one workshop may specifically cover microaggressions, another emotional intelligence, and so forth.

Observation #2: Employees want increased communication about DEI.

Once an organization has taken the first steps in their DEI journey, employees will want to know how DEI implementation is progressing! Much like the previous recommendation, my advice here is relatively self-explanatory: to keep employees in the loop, send regular emails about the improvement of DEI metrics over time; what DEI initiatives are being invested in and how; and so forth. Additionally, it is crucial for businesses to highlight their commitment to DEI on their website and social media, as such actions will demonstrate transparency regarding DEI efforts and emphasize that everyone, from leadership to employees to members and customers, are in this journey together.

Observation #3: Employees want diverse recruitment practices.

Though making changes to recruiting may seem terrifying from the outset, have no fear. DEI and recruitment, in my opinion, go hand in hand! For starters, businesses should reach out to diverse community organizations, such as HBCUs and other minority colleges, as well as attend culturally diverse job fairs in order to promote their job openings. From there, businesses might consider offering guest speakers, providing assistance with writing resumes, giving tips for being interviewed, and so forth to these diverse organizations. This type of external connection-building helps ensure that diverse candidates have access to resources that they might not otherwise receive.

Additionally, organizations should invest in an internal mentorship program! The other half of recruitment is retention, and a mentorship program allows diverse hires to receive support and training that will set them up for even greater success.

Observation #4: Employees want to see more diversity in the board of directors and upper management. Relatedly, employees want equitable promotion practices (i.e. eliminate favoritism).

Recruitment, retention—of course we must also discuss promotion. Many employees have voiced to me their issues with homogeneity in leadership and the seeming lack of merit-based practices in the process of promotion. As such, one of the best ways to increase diversity in upper levels is to create a talent pipeline, where employees have rotating mentors, receive personalized professional development opportunities, and so forth, all of which will equip them to continually move higher in the organization. To improve transparency regarding promotion practices (and thus ensure those practices are equitable), businesses should a) clearly outline their promotion criteria for all positions and b) advertise all job postings internally. Beautifully straightforward, isn’t it?

Observation #5: Employees want improved avenues for reporting discrimination and harassment.

More specifically, many employees have informed me of their concerns over reporting discrimination and harassment, e.g. that months will pass before action is taken, that they often fear retribution for making these reports, etc. To begin addressing this conundrum, a crucial first step is simply to increase training for managers and supervisors regarding discrimination/harassment and addressing these reports. After all, if leadership is not equipped to handle these issues, then it becomes much more likely these issues will not be handled properly or at all. Having done so, I would also recommend that organizations implement anonymous feedback channels for employees to offer further possibilities to advance DEI, concerns over discrimination/harassment, and any other comments they might wish to share in a truly private manner.

Observation #6: Employees are concerned that they cannot comfortably express themselves in the workplace.

I have listed this observation last because, should the prior recommendations all be implemented with intentionality, self-expression will likely become more natural to employees! Why? Because the work environment will already have become more welcoming and inclusive through the increased role of DEI. As such, my final piece of advice is this: create employee networks for employees of marginalized groups and their allies! Having employee networks for women, for Black individuals, for veterans, for the LGBTQ+ community, and so forth provides a specific environment where people from these populations can more safely express themselves and find support they may never have realized was available to them.

And there we have it! A straightforward breakdown of common observations for organizations beginning the DEI journey and a respective recommendation for each one. I wish all businesses the utmost success as they seek to create a more diverse, inclusive environment for their employees!

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at and


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5 Steps for Acknowledging Microaggressions


5 Steps for Acknowledging Microaggressions

“May I speak with you?”

Léonce looks up to see Izumi, his coworker in the business’s legal department, standing at his desk. “Uh… yes?” he says after a pause. “Lunch is in 15 minutes, if that works?”

Izumi nods, returning to her cubicle across the hall. 15 minutes passes in no time, and all the while Léonce wonders what she wants to speak with him about. None of their assignments really overlap, as far as he can recall, but maybe there’s some new project he just doesn’t know about yet?

Léonce joins Izumi at one of the corner tables in the break lounge. “Is everything alright?” he asks, and Izumi tilts her head.

“Yes. Sort of.” She sighs. “I just wanted to tell you that the… ‘joke’ you made the other day, about Asians and hard-to-pronounce names—I don’t think it was appropriate.”

“Oh. Oh, that.” Léonce fights back a wince. Dang. Had he hurt her or anyone else with that joke? He hadn’t meant to be rude—really, it was all in good fun.

Record scratch, freeze frame.

Hi folks! I think what we’ve got here is a learning experience! Léonce is coming to the realization that he unwittingly perpetrated a microaggression: he made a racially based “joke” that was crude, rude, and in poor taste. Does this mean Léonce is the most horrendous person to ever walk this planet? Of course not! In our journey to becoming more inclusive, respectful individuals, we will all slip up, be it making a “joke” that perpetuates hurtful stereotypes or simply not realizing the impact of our own privilege. So, what can we—and Léonce—do when someone comes to us and shares that they were hurt by a microaggression we perpetrated? Let’s walk through seven key steps:

1. Listen and Validate:

When someone shares these important feelings with us, we should give that person our full attention and actively listen to their perspective without interrupting or becoming defensive. Additionally, it is crucial that we validate their feelings and moreover acknowledge the impact our words or actions had on them. Even if our intent was not to hurt anyone, intent doesn’t erase impact. They were hurt by our words, and we should recognize that harm.

Léonce nods to Izumi. “Thank you for sharing this with me. I appreciate your honesty, and I’m sorry that my words hurt you.”

2. Apologize and Take Responsibility:

Active listening means holding ourselves accountable, starting with a genuine apology for the harm we may have caused. Importantly, taking responsibility means doing so without making excuses or minimizing the feelings of the person who has chosen to be open with us. A good idea is to use “I” statements, as doing so encourages us to be more direct in acknowledging our own agency and fault in causing harm, regardless of our intent.

“And I want to apologize for making that joke,” Léonce continues. “Like you said, it was insensitive and inappropriate. I shouldn’t even call it a joke. It was just rude of me, and I’m truly sorry.”

Izumi stares at him, then nods. “I appreciate your apology.”

3. Reflect and Learn:

From there, I find it important that we express our commitment to growing and learning from the experience. We might share our intention to reflect on our behavior, to further grapple with the impact of our words, and to make changes moving forward. Additionally, we can assure the person that we value their perspective and intend to take their feedback seriously.

Léonce struggles to articulate that he appreciates Izumi confronting him about his words. In particular, he fears coming off as a bit pretentious. Finally, he lands on the following: “I think it goes without saying that I won’t make that ‘joke’ again. But I’m also going to be more mindful of any other jokes I say in the future, too.”

His words are a little clunky, he’ll be the first to admit. But Léonce means what he’s saying—he really does. And he thinks Izumi knows it, too, as a hint of relief seems to flicker across her features, tension slowly draining from her shoulders.

4. Ask for Further Clarification (if needed):

It is always beneficial to ask for clarification to gain a deeper understanding of the specific microaggressions that occurred. Seeking clarification allows us to ensure we fully comprehend the person’s perspective and can avoid similar mistakes. I want to emphasize, though, that we must be mindful of others’ comfort levels and boundaries in discussing the topic further. If they seem uncomfortable, then you may want to stop! Thanks to the internet, a plethora of research is at our fingertips that we can always dive into on our own time.

Léonce is tempted to ask Izumi for the specifics regarding the issues with his “joke,” but to some extent, he can admit these issues are obvious. Even if they weren’t, now does not feel like the time or place to request this opinion from his coworker. He’ll do some research of his own tonight, he decides, instead of putting the onus of explanation onto Izumi.

5. Avoid Being Defensive:

When we are confronted with the negative impact of our words, it is perfectly normal—natural, even!—to feel defensive. In turn, the key is to a) recognize the possibility of defensiveness and b) focus on being intentionally open during the conversation. For example, we should avoid making excuses or trying to explain “what we really meant,” as this type of behavior is more likely to invalidate the other person’s feelings. Remain attentive to the matter-of-fact: the experience itself and the direct impact of our words and actions.

“Thank you for being so open about this,” Izumi says after a pause. “I tried to have a similar conversation with… well, with someone I don’t want to name the other day about a ‘joke’ they made, and…” She winces. “It did not go smoothly.”

Léonce finds himself grimacing in sympathy. “Ouch. What happened?”

She sighs. “He just… kept insisting he didn’t mean anything by it and that I shouldn’t have taken his words so seriously. That sort of thing.”

Léonce nods. “I’m sorry that happened.”

Izumi shrugs. “Some people don’t want to change. It’s not my job to force them.”

6. Reflect and Make Changes: On our own time, we should reflect on our own biases, beliefs, and behaviors. This reflection might involve considering how we can educate ourselves and actively work on unlearning harmful patterns and prejudices. By seeking out and participating in opportunities for personal growth and education, we are more likely to prevent the perpetuation of microaggressions in the future.

“You’re spot on there,” Léonce says. “And the same applies to me. You aren’t my teacher. It’s my responsibility to do better in the future.”

Izumi chuckles. “It is. But I’m still grateful you listened.”

7. Follow-Up and Rebuild Trust: After the initial conversation, it doesn’t hurt for us to follow up with the person who made themself vulnerable to us. We might check in on their well-being, see if there is anything else they would like to discuss, find out if they have any suggestions for moving forward. Rebuilding trust can take time, so it is of the utmost importance we are patient and consistent in demonstrating positive change.

Izumi checks the time on her phone. “I have to run, but thank you again for letting me speak with you.”

“No, thank you for coming to me,” Léonce says. “I’m the one who needs to do better here!” He pauses, then offers, “Next week—would you be open to having lunch together again? I’d be interested in talking about all of this more. To be sure I am actually doing better.”

Izumi responds with a small smile. “Sure,. I’ll let you know what my schedule looks like.”

Léonce can only chuckle and nod, and soon Izumi leaves the lounge and disappears down a side hall.

A successful conversation, Léonce decides. One that has left him with a lot to think about. And truth be told? He couldn’t feel more grateful.

When it comes down to it, the most important part of acknowledging our role in perpetrating microaggressions is genuinely listening, taking responsibility, apologizing, and committing to making change—both in ourselves and in our broader environment. After all, it takes effort and ongoing growth to unlearn harmful patterns, but through our actions, we can demonstrate that we are actively working towards a more inclusive, more respectful world.

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at and


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Let's Give Each Other Grace


Let's Give Each Other Grace

I have a confession to make. I am terrible at learning people’s names. I’ve struggled with it ever since I was a child! I’d come home from school on the first day of the semester, smiling brightly about having met my new teacher, and my mom would ask, “What was her name?”

I’d freeze. “Uh…”

My mother would sigh, shaking her head and smiling with affectionate exasperation. “Oh, Dima.”

I would finally remember her name the final days of the semester! And you can imagine how excruciating history classes were for me. So many important figures—politicians, war heroes, inventors—and their names would all go in one ear and out the other. I wish I had an explanation, but the simple fact is that no matter how hard I try, I perpetually struggle to remember people’s names. I know faces, I know life details, I know aspects of their personality, but their names still escape me! So if you’ve ever wondered why I excitedly greeted you at an event but never referred to you by name—well, this would be the reason. haha

I recently gave a workshop about microaggressions and unconscious bias. One of the attendees was a German immigrant. When I asked if anyone had any questions or comments, he stood up and nearly burst into tears. He confessed that he was hurt because his team members did not say his name with the correct German way, i.e. with the true German pronunciation. It felt like they didn’t respect him, he said, or worse, that they simply didn’t care.

I bring up this incident to highlight two simultaneous truths:

1) This man’s feelings were entirely valid. I am no stranger to having my name mispronounced, and I understand that repeated mispronunciation—particularly from the same person or group of people—can begin to feel deliberate and disrespectful.

2) We must engage with situations such as these with grace. Not every mispronunciation is malicious or purposefully incorrect. Not every mispronunciation means our team members don’t respect us. Speaking broadly, there are often other behaviors that clue us in as to whether our coworkers are intentionally being rude when they mispronounce our names. Do they generally behave curtly around us? Do they go out of their way to avoid being near us? Do they refer to us snidely in conversations with others?

If someone mispronounces my name but has in no other way demonstrated ill will toward me, I believe the appropriate response is to give them grace. Correct them, politely request they address me appropriately next time, and move on to the next assignment. In the case of the German man, whose name was beautiful but indeed difficult to pronounce for non-native German speakers, I would advise that he keep the same advice in mind: give people grace. As long as people are trying, the best route of action is to bring them in, not push them away. If we assume everyone who slips up is deliberately failing in their inclusiveness, no progress will ever be made! Instead, we should offer others the same grace and forgiveness that we would want ourselves to receive when we make mistakes.

In conclusion: if I forget your name, I hope you’ll extend me a little grace. I would do the same for you!

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at and


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Are You Not a Fan of DEI? Then, This Blog is For You


Are You Not a Fan of DEI? Then, This Blog is For You

I’ll be the first to admit that “diversity and inclusion” has become a buzzword. Where “diversity” should invoke the innate beauty of our world and “inclusion” should suggest a welcoming, warm environment, hearing “diversity and inclusion” or “DEI” causes some people to shut down in a blink. But here’s the truth: even people who are not fans of DEI almost certainly still believe that all individuals have dignity and worth! As such, today I want to walk through strategies a person who does not support DEI initiatives can take to still be inclusive and respectful of others.

1. Separate Personal Beliefs from Professional Conduct

Let’s delve into a hypothetical: meet Michael, a middle-aged man who works for—well, pick a business, any business! One of his coworkers comes out as trans. She announces that her pronouns are she/her and that she will now be going by Christina. Michael doesn’t fully understand everything about the LGTBQ+ community or why Christina had to publicly make this proclamation. He thought he knew this person, thought he knew them well, but now…

Here’s what’s important: whether or not Michael personally agrees with DEI and its advocacy for the trans community, it is essential to separate his personal beliefs from his conduct in a professional setting. Not referring to Christina by her preferred name and pronouns would be rude, plain and simple! I mean, imagine if someone called us by the wrong name and pronouns despite our multiple protestations—it’d be frustrating and discomforting at best, harassment and abuse at worst. As such, regardless of a person’s personal feelings toward DEI, they can still be inclusive by maintaining professionality. In this instance, It’s about treating people the way we want to be treated (the Golden Rule remains forever relevant!).

2. Seek Understanding through Dialogue

Returning to Michael: let’s say that he is currently in a meeting, where the main topic of discussion is their organization’s potential implementation of a talent pipeline—part of the company’s broader DEI initiatives. Truth be told, Michael does not see the need for this pipeline. The merit-based approach behind recruitment and advancement seems perfectly fine as is to him! When it’s his turn to comment, he does so politely and calmly. And when another manager offers a similarly polite counter to this statement, highlighting that a talent pipeline is meant to reinforce the merit-based nature of hiring and promotions, he nods and takes that point into consideration. The mutual respect is what’s key here! Michael is not enthused by the idea of a talent pipeline, but he actively listens in order to understand his coworker’s perspective instead of dismissing them out of hand. Again: one does not need to be a champion of DEI to create an inclusive environment.

Additionally, if one is willing to take this respectful dialogue a step further, I would also recommend educating oneself about the experiences and concerns of marginalized groups and how DEI can provide much-needed support. In other words, dare to push past the “politicized” nature of DEI and instead examine its practical purpose. How does DEI help create a more welcoming workplace? Why is this inclusive environment so necessary for all people, not just marginalized communities? If one is feeling particularly bold, consider attending workshops, conferences, or other events that discuss DEI-related topics. Regardless of what reservations one may hold, simply exposing ourselves to different viewpoints can expand our understanding and empathy. Even if we disagree with someone, it is always beneficial to get an idea of where they’re coming from, right?

3. Focus on Common Goals

“Mm, I’m not so sure I like that idea,” Michael says, shaking his head. “Wouldn’t creating ‘employee networks’ just leave a bunch of people out?”

“Not at all!” Christina says. “Employee networks are about bringing people in. The focus of these networks might be on a specific group, but membership isn’t exclusive to them. Let’s say you joined a group for veterans.”

Michael nods. “Sure.”

“I could also join that group to find out ways I could support our company’s veterans, even though I didn’t serve in the military. You could also join an LGBTQ+ employee network learn about the LGBT employees. Make sense?”

“I guess,” Michael admits after a pause. “But I still feel like creating specific groups is counterproductive to the supposed end goal of ‘inclusion.’”

He can tell Christina doesn’t quite agree with him, but she tilts her head in acknowledgment. “That’s fair.” Then she smiles. “But it sounds like you agree that the end goal should still be creating an environment where everyone has the support they need to succeed.”

Michael laughs. “I’d like to think that’s what everyone here wants!”

As this conversation illustrates, Michael isn’t totally on board with the idea of employee networks, often a key component of many organizations’ DEI initiatives. At the same time, his hesitance clearly does not mean he is against creating a supportive environment for all employees. Regardless of their individual beliefs on DEI, it is clear that Michael and Christina have a shared goal: investing in a work culture where any employee can succeed. From there, they and others can work collaboratively toward this common ground.

4. Engage in Self-Reflection

“Why are you so… not into DEI, anyway?” Christina asks.

Michael shrugs, swallowing a bite of his sandwich as he and Christina sit across from each other in the break lounge. “It feels unnecessary. Why make a big fuss about about inclusion? Shouldn’t that go without saying?”

“I can understand that,” Christina says. “But I think what DEI offers is specific avenues of making our workplace more inclusive, you know? Everybody needs a different kind of support because they’re all coming from different life experiences.” She offers him a sidelong grin. “I mean, look at us. Pretty different histories, am I right?”

Michael laughs. “Very different histories.” He takes a sip of his coffee. “I see your point. I guess my problem is with the hubbub. I don’t necessarily disagree that people should be given individualized support to help them succeed.”

“Is the ‘hubbub’ really such a bad thing, though?” Christina asks. “I mean, for me, it’s kind of nice to see people vocally supporting the trans community.”

Michael allows himself to pause before responding. “I don’t know. I think I’m the kind of person who’s used to letting things happen unsaid. My parents never made a big deal about anything when I was growing up, and I’ve kind of carried that with me through the years.”

The key element of this interaction is the way Michael turns his reflection inward. In considering Christina’s question, he contemplates what motivates his own perspective in contrast to hers—why he feels the way he does. He considers how the environment he grew up in may have shaped his beliefs. Should this example have continued further, we likely would have seen Michael hypothesize that if he’d been raised in a different environment, perhaps one more similar to Christina’s, would he still hold those same beliefs?

The advice of self-reflection can become a bit preachy, for lack of a better word. “We need to reflect on our own biases! Challenging our assumptions can help us grow and broaden our perspective!” These words are true, of course—I have written extensively about managing unconscious bias in the past—but repeating them over and over can feel a bit grating. As such, I want to revamp the phrasing! In terms of disagreeing with DEI, self-reflection means questioning the root of our concerns. Are we grappling with a lack of understanding? Is there a specific element of DEI that we chafe with? Once a person can pinpoint the specifics of their disagreement, finding common ground becomes more achievable (and less stressful, too!).

And there we have it: four strategies for people who oppose DEI to nonetheless play a part in creating a more inclusive, respectful environment for all. Perhaps this is optimistic of me, but I believe there is no goal more shared than wanting a workplace where everyone has the support they need to succeed!

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at and


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What to Do When Your Organization Doesn't Support DEI


What to Do When Your Organization Doesn't Support DEI

After many of my most recent workshops, I have had person after person reach out to me with the same anxiety: “The company I work at isn’t truly prioritizing DEI,” they tell me. For some, this means their organization is all talk and no walk. For others, it means their company states outright that they are uninterested in pursuing DEI. Regardless, all who reach out to me confess the following: “I’m a minority at this organization. I feel like they aren’t making an effort to include me. What should I do?”

There is no single, straightforward, simple answer to this question. I wish there was! But fortunately, there are steps that those in this challenging situation can take to make the burden easier to bear. Let’s walk through them:

1. Self-Care

I know the internet has glorified the virtues of self-care time and time again, but self-care receives this high praise for a reason! Nothing is more important in this situation than tending to our well-being. Grappling with an organization’s lack of inclusivity can be physically and emotionally draining, and self-care provides us with the opportunity to manage our stress and maintain a positive outlook. Remember: self-care looks different for everyone, so we must find the avenue that works best for us as individuals.

2. Seek Support

Support can come in many forms. I encourage those of us dealing with an organization that is unwilling to fully engage with DEI to find individuals both within and outside of the company who can provide empathy and understanding. These people might include colleagues from similar backgrounds to us, our mentors, or even members of external support groups, all of whom may be able to offer advice or share their own experiences. Ultimately, they can provide a sense of belonging for those of us in this challenging situation—a reminder that we are not alone.

Beyond people who more directly share our experiences, I also encourage us to seek support through allies and alliances. Reach out to people in the organization who do support DEI, even if the larger administration does not. One might be able to find mentors or sponsors who can offer guidance and advocate on their behalf within the company. At the end of the day, having colleagues at our side who share our beliefs allows them to support and amplify our voices, again providing the emotional security that we are never as isolated as we may feel.

3. Know Your Rights

On the one hand, knowing one’s rights goes without saying. On the other hand, the some systems may make things difficult! I encourage all of us, but especially those stuck in organizations that lack dedication to DEI, to educate ourselves about our rights as an employee. We should familiarize ourselves with local labor laws and any company policies related to discrimination and harassment. From there, we will be more equipped to take action as needed in the face of violations. In that same vein, I also recommend keeping records of any instances of bias, exclusion, or abuse that we see or experience; important details to note would be dates, times, locations, and details of the incidents, including participants and witnesses. Having this information is essential if we find ourselves needing to report the situation at a later date.

4. Engage in Dialogue

As simple as this advice may seem, I would be remiss if I did not mention it. If one feels comfortable doing so, I encourage the initiation of conversations with colleagues or supervisors to raise awareness about the importance of DEI and creating a sense of belonging. In these conversations, we might share personal stories, experiences, and the positive impact that diverse perspectives can have on the organization at hand as well as more broadly. The goal of engaging in dialogue is to facilitate open and honest discussion on DEI—simple but crucial!

5. Find Other Opportunities

I hate to admit this, but deep down, we all know it is true: some organizations are not going to change. I know, I know! It’s terrible! More optimistically, we might say that some organizations will be very slow to change, only doing so when they see enthusiasm for DEI at the highest echelons of their business. When push comes to shove in these circumstances, I see two viable options. The first is to invest in developing our professional skills and expertise, allowing us to firmly posit ourselves as a valuable asset to the organizations. The ideal result? We can increase our influence and opportunities for advancement, thus bringing support for DEI along with us.

If we find ourselves in a business adamantly against DEI, however, where our advancement opportunities are unfairly limited or the exclusionary atmosphere becomes intolerable, the second viable option is this: explore external opportunities with organizations that actively value and promote diversity and inclusion. Simply put, we must ask ourselves whether or not our current business offers an environment that we can safely remain at work in. If the answer is no, there’s no shame in moving onward and upward!

At the end of the day, we must prioritize our well-being, and that means working in an environment that respects and values us. Who knows? If enough employees leave organizations that refuse to create an inclusive environment, maybe those companies will start to get the hint: DEI is of the utmost importance!

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at and


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Empower Board of Directors by Addressing Five Implicit Biases


Empower Board of Directors by Addressing Five Implicit Biases

My blog is no stranger to discussing the role of boards of directors in DEI, including the specifics of how they can facilitate diversity, equity, and inclusion. Today, I want to hone in on a more specific topic: what biases are most likely to appear during meetings of boards of directors? After all, board members are as susceptible to unconscious bias as the rest of us! Let’s walk through five of the most common:

1. Confirmation Bias:

This bias occurs when people only seek out and interpret information that confirms their existing beliefs. As such, in board meetings, confirmation bias manifests in the failure to consider alternate viewpoints and options. Let’s consider the following hypothetical!

So, how can boards address this bias? In simplest terms: don’t be afraid to push against the status quo. Boards should actively bring in a variety of perspectives and ask questions that may counter their personal feelings, as doing so encourages us to consider new modes of thinking, even if we ultimately disagree.

2. Availability Bias:

This bias occurs when people rely too heavily on information that is readily available to them, i.e. they don’t seek out more diverse or comprehensive sources of information. In board meetings, this overreliance can lead to overlooking important data or perspectives that are not immediately at hand. Although availability bias has a marked similarity to confirmation bias, the key difference is that confirmation bias involves seeking information/answers that support a preexisting opinion, while availability bias is simply limiting oneself to already available information. In other words, while these two biases often overlap and reinforce each other, they are not the same. Much like conformity bias, then, availability bias is best addressed by simply inviting in additional perspectives!

3. Anchoring Bias:

This bias occurs when people rely too heavily on the first piece of information they receive, using it as a reference point for all subsequent decisions. In board meetings, this overemphasis on a singular piece of information can lead to unnecessary prioritization of early proposals or suggestions rather than the exploration of a broader range of possibilities. Anchoring bias can be tricky to counter, as our brains tend to naturally hierarchize and frame knowledge with regard to a starting point, which is why we must make an intentional effort to challenge our reliance on early information.

4. Halo Effect:

As beautiful as this term might sound, the halo effect itself is not so lovely! This bias occurs when people allow one positive trait or characteristic to overshadow other aspects of a person’s performance or contribution. In board meetings, this inflation of goodness can lead to an overemphasis on the opinions or perspectives of certain individuals, where the possibility of considering a more diverse range of viewpoints goes overlooked. We address the Halo Effect is by questioning our perception of others and how that influences how we view their performance.

5. Groupthink:

Last but not least, this bias occurs when people in a group prioritize consensus and harmony over critical thinking and independent decision-making. In other words, in board meetings, groupthink can lead to a reluctance to challenge the status quo or express dissenting opinions. The consequence? A limited range of options are considered, which may lead to suboptimal decisions. To address groupthink, there must be a willingness to take a step back and a refusal to conform to the status quo.

There we have it! Five biases that often manifest in boards of directors’ meetings and how these biases can be addressed. Seeing as the boardroom is where some of the most important organizational decisions are made, it is also one of the most important places to challenge our biases. I tip my hat to all board members who are making an intentional effort to combat their unconscious biases in order to foster a working environment that is more inclusive for all!

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at and


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Challenging Conformity in Meetings


Challenging Conformity in Meetings

When it comes to conformity bias, it is easy to observe it in meetings. After all, the idea of sharing a different opinion or—dare I say it—challenging individuals with authority may intimidate even the most fearless! How can we manage this bias and stand against the status quo? Fortunately, I propose there is a simple solution to addressing this problem of conformity: start by asking five questions.

At the end of every meeting, 5-10 minutes can be dedicated to reviewing the following five questions, each of which targets certain facets of conformity bias. Straightforward, right? Let’s walk through each!

1. During the meeting, did we actively encourage the sharing of alternate perspectives and opinions?

The key to combating conformity bias is the solicitation of opposing viewpoints and of alternatives to existing responses. In doing so, we ensure diversity of thought and the active inclusion of every participant!

2. Were all team members offered equal opportunity to share their ideas?

Related to the previous question: it is important not only to encourage the sharing of different viewpoints but also to ensure all meeting attendees are being granted this opportunity to share. Remember, this sharing may manifest in different ways! Someone more introverted, for example, might feel more comfortable with sending in their thoughts via email prior to the meeting, and thus their higher-ups can integrate those ideas into the conversation.

3. Were there any moments during the meeting where you felt pressured to conform to a particular idea or perspective?

Peer pressure, unconscious or no, cannot be extricated from conformity bias. By recognizing the power of a group to sway someone’s opinion—or at least the opinion a person may voice aloud—we can potentially nip this issue in the bud, helping ensure our decision-making processes are informed more by honesty than conformity.

4. Throughout the discussion, did we continually challenge our biases and assumptions?

Remember, conformity bias is not only about following the group! It also refers to how we might accept certain perspectives or beliefs without questioning them. In other words, we may find ourselves unconsciously conforming to a dominant social mindset. To address this difficulty: openly discuss the biases and assumptions that come up during the conversation!

5. Did we consider potential pitfalls or weaknesses in our possible solutions or decisions?

In other words, it is crucial that we constantly consider what evidence we have to support our own perspectives and the final decisions we make. Regularly circling back to the “why”—why the conversation has moved a certain way, why this is the path we want to take, etc.—is key to preventing conformity bias from taking hold.

The facilitation of these five questions will depend on the specific organization and the group at hand. While discussing responses aloud can be valuable, I would encourage first giving people a way to respond privately—maybe they jot down a few responses, or maybe each question is followed with two check boxes: YES and NO, with a space below to expand on their response if people so desire.

At the end of the day, conformity bias means it is too easy for us to agree with others and to doubt ourselves. As leaders, we need to recognize that not all of our team members may feel confident speaking against dominant opinions. These questions, this end-of-meeting ritual, is therefore a way to address such a challenge.

So, what do you think? Are we ready to dive into this informal Q&A at the end of each meeting?

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at and


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3 Tips to Challenging Conformity at Work


3 Tips to Challenging Conformity at Work

Why do we conform? We all share the same desires of fitting in and belonging, including in our workplaces. Many individuals, however, feel like they must lose a piece of themselves in order to experience this inclusion. As leaders, we want our employees to feel comfortable bringing their whole selves to the workplace, where a person’s ability to embrace their uniqueness leads to productivity and innovation. Consequently, many of us emphasize that our workplaces are safe environments. And while this emphasis is important, it is not enough to challenge the insidious nature of conformity. In the past, I have gone over how managers can address conformity bias, but today I want to focus on more organization-based initiatives, where we must assume there is conformity happening in our workplaces and take intentional actions to challenge it. Let’s waste no time!

1. Identify conformity

An important element of challenging conformity in our organizations is being able to identify conformity. Workplace conformity can best be understood through behavior known as “covering.” In more technical terms, covering refers to the suppression of one’s identity, life experiences, appearance, and so forth in order to “fit” in with the dominant social structure. To translate that into my colloquial terms, covering can be understood as when people put a metaphorical mask on and try to act with a different identity than their own. For example, someone may go by a different name out of fear that people cannot pronounce their given name. A person may style their hair a certain way in order to be seen as “professional” and accepted. These behaviors and more all fall under “covering.” So what do we do about this?

Again, identification is the first step. Beyond the fact that we as leaders should keep an eye out for covering behaviors and note them as they happen, another useful strategy is to send out an anonymous survey polling employees on the extent to which they feel they must engage in covering. Consider the following sample questions:

  • I feel included and respected at [name of organization].

    • Strongly agree

    • Agree

    • Neither agree nor disagree

    • Disagree

    • Strongly disagree

  • Employees of all cultures and backgrounds are respected and valued at [name of organization].

    • Strongly agree

    • Agree

    • Neither agree nor disagree

    • Disagree

    • Strongly disagree

  • When I speak up at work, my opinion is valued.

    • Strongly agree

    • Agree

    • Neither agree nor disagree

    • Disagree

    • Strongly disagree

Additionally, there might be follow-up open-ended questions where participants can expand on their reasoning behind each response. Keep in mind, however, that employees are not obligated to complete this survey, and we must therefore respect people’s wishes not to share particular information. Even when we suspect people may be engaging in covering behaviors, forcing them to discuss those experiences is beneficial to no one. Instead, we should focus on orienting our workplace culture to counter conformity! Let’s dive into the next step of this process.

2. Solicit feedback prior to meetings

Once elements of conformity have been identified, a crucial means of addressing it is to open different avenues for diverse thought. After all, challenging conformity means challenging dominant ideas, and the best way to challenge dominant ideas is to invite unique perspectives! While we may think of meetings as the perfect opportunity to solicit new insight, we must keep in mind that not everyone feels comfortable speaking up in these spaces. As such, different avenues of communication might include specifically facilitating thoughts via email prior to meetings, surveys, or even one-on-one conversations. Afterwards, it becomes the leader’s responsibility to incorporate those thoughts into the broader meeting, ensuring that everyone involved has exposure to these diverse perspectives and can thus challenge their own conformity to dominant ideas.

An important addendum: when employees take the intimidating step to offer unique insight and dare to challenge conformity, we must validate them for those efforts. This recognition does not have to be “public” or exaggerated; simply commending them during a one-on-one interaction gives them respect and credit for questioning the norm. Voicing a divergent idea can be difficult—recognize when people are brave enough to do so!

3. Change the mindset

Bringing the previous steps together helps reveal our third and final tip for challenging conformity in organizations: identify conformity, create avenues for individual expression, and in doing so begin changing the organizational mindset. Many of us cite the importance of embracing new ideas, but sometimes we fall short of truly doing so because we haven’t shifted our mindset. This struggle is normal! My advice, then, is to think “culture add,” not “culture fit.” The Association of Corporate Counsel defines this phenomenon as follows: “Culture fit is about finding the familiar candidate who resembles the current team. With a culture add mindset, the goal is to look for someone who will reflect the company’s values but also bring a different experience or perspective to the table. The former promotes assimilation, the latter enhances creativity and innovation.” During the hiring process, asking from the get-go if a qualified candidate is a culture add or a culture fit helps ingrain in the work culture that we as leaders value unique mindsets. It is additionally important, however, to continue supporting the innovation of these employees after they have been hired.

I once gave a workshop where one of the participants stood up to share his thoughts during the discussion. He said that he had joined the organization a year ago, and soon after he began to cry. He told us that he accepted the position with this organization because during the interview, the organizational representatives told him that they wanted him because he was different, that they felt he had something unique to add because of his perspective and experiences. Once he was hired, however, every time he offered new insight or attempted to challenge the norm, they would brush him off and look at him weirdly. Within a year, he felt isolated and shunned. The value the organization had initially praised of him was now being totally overlooked.

This is the precise situation we want to avoid. Changing our mindsets to embrace “culture add” also means nurturing unique insight after the candidate has been hired. If we don’t maintain this valuation of different perspectives, then we are not truly challenging conformity.

Although this following advice is more indirectly related to conformity, it nonetheless a piece of wisdom I wish to share before we conclude this blog: sharing begets sharing. Challenging conformity means embracing our own individuality. If we are open to our employees about how we engage in covering behaviors, steps we take to reject conformity, and even our process of changing the dominant mindset in the organization itself, people are more likely to find themselves being honest and challenging conformity, too. I have a friend who developed bad arthritis at a young age to the point where she could not type. She remotely managed a global team, and every day she would use speech-to-text to communicate with them. Eventually, despite her fear of judgment, she shared her condition with her team, and the ultimate result was that members of her team proceeded to privately reach out to her and share their own struggles. Her honesty brought the team closer together. Again: sharing begets sharing. When we show the steps we are taking to question the norm, others are more likely to do the same.

And there we have it! Three key ways to identify and begin challenging conformity across organizations. Although this process is a lengthy one, the benefits of embracing new ideas are endless. I hope these tips bring all of us leaders comfort and confidence as we begin the journey of developing conformity cures for our companies!

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at and


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3 Tips to Standing Against the Status Quo


3 Tips to Standing Against the Status Quo

I might summarize the ultimate desire of humanity as this: to be loved. To be wanted. To be included. The question then becomes… What sacrifices are we willing to make to achieve that?

Many of us, myself included, choose to conform because of our desire to feel loved and included. In the process of trying to fit in, however, we often lose part of ourselves. We lose what makes us unique, what lets us bring new ideas and perspectives to the table. So I ask all of us: is this loss worth it? In my opinion, no. That is why this blog will break down three tips to help us all challenge conformity. In the past, I have discussed how managers can address conformity bias, but today I want to focus on the individual. What can we as individuals do to counter conformity?

1. The little-by-little strategy

I will be the first to admit that challenging conformity can be frightening. Going against the tide means putting ourselves by default into a position that opposes what is agreed upon by many, from decisions as minor as what we wear to work to as major as discussions on who to hire. As such, my first piece of advice is simple: take it little by little! Starting with small changes helps us avoid becoming overwhelmed in the face of countering the status quo. For example, in a meeting, we may find ourselves disagreeing with the dominant trend of conversation. But outright disagreeing is intimidating, and worse, runs the risk of a consequence many of us loathe—making people uncomfortable. Instead, then, the little-by-little strategy posits that we ask a few questions, perhaps for clarification. By doing so, we can subtly offer a new perspective, one that complements or even redirects the thoughts of the majority, which consequently helps us challenge conformity.

2. Ask yourself: “Why?”

“Why”—a simple question with innumerable important effects. A crucial step to challenging conformity is questioning the systems of thought and behavior that have been handed down to us, and “why” is the ultimate tool. Why does everyone do [x] this way? Why do I believe [y]? Is it because I truly feel that way, or is it because familial, societal, or corporate expectations encourage me to do so? In particular, it is productive to ask “why” when we hear the age-old refrain of well, this is how it’s always been! Yes, but why? Today, we are in a different time and place, both literally and socially. What worked “then” may no longer be helpful now. Why do we abide by thoughts and behaviors of eras long since passed?

Learning to ask “why” was a major aspect of my own personal transformation. I was raised to believe negative things about my identity as a woman, and it wasn’t until I started to ask why those beliefs persisted and who they benefited that I came to truly understand how restrictive those ideas about women were. Asking “why” helped me challenge dominant expectations and make meaningful changes in my life. Simplistic though it may sound, I wouldn’t be who or where I am today if I hadn’t asked “why”!

3. Determine your goals

Questioning the beliefs we have been told throughout life is important to challenging conformity, and so is the follow-up component: determining our own goals. After all, how can we hope to counter conformity if we aren’t confident in our individual dreams, wishes, and desires? Fear not, however—I don’t intend to throw us in the deep end by declaring “determine your goals!” and offering no more.

As a key step to help determine our goals, I recommend creating a list of changemakers that you admire. For example, I admire Malala Yousafzai because of how she challenged the status quo of limited education access for young women and girls around the world. Write down why you admire these people, be it specific elements of their activism or how they present themselves as leaders. In this articulation, we can better identify our own priorities and values, which then helps bring us to a clearer understanding of our own goals.

While creating this list, keep the following in mind: the changemakers we admire likely failed at first. They were likely shunned, isolated, excluded—people probably didn’t like them! But they persevered. They continued to move forward and challenge conformity. In other words, we cannot just consider why we admire their results. What can we admire in their journey, too, that will guide us on our own paths to countering conformity?

And there we have it! Three straightforward tips to help any individual challenge conformity. Standing against the status quo is terrifying, I know, but nothing is more important than embracing what makes us unique. I hope these tips bring you comfort and reassurance as you begin your own journey of challenging conformity!

Dima Ghawi is the founder of a global talent development company with a primary mission for advancing individuals in leadership. Through keynote speeches, training programs and executive coaching, Dima has empowered thousands of professionals across the globe to expand their leadership potential. In addition, she provides guidance to business executives to develop diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies and to implement a multi-year plan for advancing quality leaders from within the organization.

Reach her at and


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